Every morning when Tyler wakes up he
immediately runs to the window and looks outside to see if the sun is up. He knows if it is still dark out he will get told to go back to bed. On
Christmas Eve, he not only found the sun, but in his words "lots of snow" too! Naturally, he ran into the next room and woke his cousin Haleigh up to go outside and play.

Haleigh was born and raised in the north, she is a pro at making snow angels.
Tyler on the other hand, was born in then north, spent 15 months of his life there, and visits every winter. He knew how to make a snow angel, but was a little confused as to where he should be making his angel. Here he is making his angel in the driveway. :-)
He was however, very good at taste testing the snow. No worries, Haleigh made sure it was clean snow!

I think he enjoyed it!?!
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