With some of our family in South Carolina and the rest up in Michigan, we often find ourselves celebrating the holidays either before or after the actual holiday. This past weekend, we went to Grandma and Papa's house for an early Christmas. Mom, Tyler, Bailey, and I drove down Friday night so we could spend a few days. Here are some of the things that occured during the fun filled weekend.
Bailey and Grandma had a fantastic time playing peek-a-boo. She even learned how to clap!

Papa took some time to bond with his grand-daughter. She has been trying to get over a cold as well as cutting 2 teeth. Needless to say, she took full advantage of Papa's lap!

We all got up nice and early to open presents. Little Miss was much more interested in eating the paper and bows then opening up or playing with her new toys.

Tyler had a great time playing Santa's little helper and passing out presents to everyone.

Tyler was told that he wasn't going to get any toys this year. He did recieve the basics, underware, pj's, and socks, but was more then thrilled with his new box of art supplies. He immediatley hugged the roll of tape and exlaimed "it's my favorite!"

After all gifts were opened, we took Tyler downstairs for his final surprise.

Once uncovered, we asked Ty what he thought of his new 4 wheeler, and he said "it's good." A little less excitment then we expected, but he enjoyed riding it around the neighborhood and down to the lake!