It's been a pretty laid back week. Mom and Dad took Tyler Saturday and kept him for a few days so Bailey and I had some much needed mommy/daughter time. Then, Mom brought Ty back just in time for me to get my wisdom teeth taken out. Thankfully, she hung around for a couple of days to help with the kids. Thanks Mommy!

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5. Bailey and Tyler were playing with some action figure toys in Grandma's van. Bailey threw one on the floor of the van and it just missed the dogs water dish. Tyler says: It's okay if it goes in the water dish. It's like a swimming pool for them!
4. When we were up in Michigan visiting Brandon's step-dad, Tyler insisted on taking his hat off while telling him "I'm touching your baldy spot!!"
3. Bailey has learned from the master. Now, when they are arguing over a toy she will immediately tell me "me, mommy, me first!" (Which is Bailey speak for I had it first Mommy and exactly what big brother tells me every time!)
2. Bailey was playing with Sleeping Beauty and Tyler explained: "I don't like her. All she does is sleep." Typical boy.
1. I took the kids outside for some sprinkler fun and this is how they spent that time:
That's right, drinking out of the sprinkler.